Sunday, July 28, 2019

Minimizing risks in Shipping Lines Research Proposal

Minimizing risks in Shipping Lines - Research Proposal Example Identify and formulate new strategies, techniques or methods to identify and address risks due to the various factors like operational costs, oil prices, interest and exchange rates, political and environmental changes, etc. which are either highly exorbitant, volatile, or detrimental to affect the smooth and safe functioning of the shipping industry. Plan to use both primary and secondary data for the purpose of research. Primary sources off data like interviews and questionnaire will be used. Secondary sources like books, journal publications, articles, official websites, newsrooms, etc. would be used along with the primary sources of information. The primary sources of data that would be taken into consideration would represent a small section of people and their views and feedback based on their experience and varied roles in the industry which would then be generalized for the whole industry which may pose problems when taken for formulating high impact strategies by the governmental or policy making bodies. This use of limited primary data can be compensated by using secondary data from books, articles, journals, websites, newsrooms and other reliable sources. As the interviews would be conducted at shipping d... Plan to use both primary and secondary data for the purpose of research. Primary sources off data like interviews and questionnaire will be used. Secondary sources like books, journal publications, articles, official websites, newsrooms, etc. would be used along with the primary sources of information. Your signature Date Name(s) of proposed Supervisor(s) for this Dissertation: Confirmation of approval of proposal and its ethics by the Programme Leader/External Examiner: Signed Date RESEARCH ETHICS CHECK FOR MA DISSERTATIONS INVOLVING HUMAN PARTICIPANTS This form should be submitted at the same time as the Dissertation Proposal Form Your Name: Your Degree Programme: Your Dissertation Supervisor's name: SECTION 1: DETAILS OF YOUR PROJECT 1. What is the title of your dissertation Minimizing risks in Shipping 2. What do you consider to be the main ethical issues or problems that may arise with the proposed study and what steps will be taken to address them The primary sources of data that would be taken into consideration would represent a small section of people and their views and feedback based on their experience and varied roles in the industry which would then be generalized for the whole industry which may pose problems when taken for formulating high impact strategies by the governmental or policy making bodies. This use of limited primary data can be compensated by using secondary data from books, articles, journals, websites, newsrooms and other reliable sources. 3. Where exactly will the interaction with participants be As the interviews would be conducted at shipping dock yards maritime control offices, etc. interaction would be with

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